The Poltergeist Diaries
8 Votes
After moving to an isolated cabin, Jacob Taylor vanishes without a trace. With the help of footage he leaves behind, his family members, friends, and a detective try to find answers to the strange events that are centered around him.
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András Korcsmáros
Jacob TaylorEric Roberts
John McBridePéter Inoka
Ben TaylorJon Vangdal Aamaas
Dane BrozniakKata Kuna
Kimberly BlakeDávid Fecske
Detective Joshua TrottAnita Tóth
Lena BlomqvistLaura Ellen Wilson
Alicia BlakeShawn Michael Clankie
Detective Vincent MunroeGergő Elekes
Nathan BrooksEmese Nagyabonyi
Margaret BlackPéter Krenács
Randy BlackZsófia Gallai
Helen BlomqvistLaura Saxon
Emily TrottCharyse Monet
Iris PalmerJózsef Gallai
Documentary FilmmakerAndor Havath
Lighting TechnicianVivien Molnar
StudentShawn C. Phillips
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